Water Purification Business & Bottled Water Delivery Service
Utica, MI
Well-established business since 2002 with 130 legitimate 5-star Google reviews. We take municipal water and put it through our state-of-the-art proprietary 12-step...
Mount Clemens - Adult-Use Provisioning Center
Mount Clemens, MI
- Mount Clemens Adult-Use Provisioning Center for sale. Buyer has the option to purchase both license and real estate or to purchase the license and lease the real...
Chesterfield Township - Adult-Use Provisioning Center
Chesterfield Township, MI
Adult-Use Provisioning Center available for sale - includes the Adult-Use License and Leasehold Rights (Real Estate Excluded). It is 1 of 4 Provisioning Center...
Roseville - Freestanding Retail/Turnkey Smoke Shop
Roseville, MI
Freestanding Retail/Turnkey Smoke Shop available for sale and lease. Constructed in 1974, this property is zoned B-3 and features 6 parking spots, a full...
A Better Mouse Trap and Make a Safe Wish
Clinton Township, MI
I am looking for an individual or company to bring the Mouse Trap Alert and Rat Trap Alert products to market. It...
Dispensary doing $5.3M sales at great price
Center Line, MI
Centerline dispensary doing 5.3M/yr sales. rent 5500/m+nnn. Asking 2M (1.2M down). Great deal on great location.
Three businesses for the price of one
Macomb, MI
Marijuana dispensary licensed bldg for sale
Warren, MI
Marijuana dispensary licensed bldg on the most prime location in the city away from...
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