Sports Bar W/ Real Estate
Macomb County, MI
Our firm is thrilled to present an exceptional local tavern with great history spanning...
Franchise Pizzeria
Macomb County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a newer franchise Pizzeria in Macomb County....
Well established bar with a great location in Fraser
Fraser, MI
This bar is located in the center of an entertainment district! Turn key ready for the...
Established Restaurant For Sale
Clinton Township, MI
Restaurant established in 1995 specializing in family dining. Excellent location in a...
Asian - American - Middle Eastern etc.
Warren, MI
Why rent. Purchase the real property with a full scale turn key restaurant included. The...
SDM License (Beer & Wine)
Macomb County, MI
This is a great opportunity to buy an SDM (Beer & Wine) License in the Macomb...
Macomb County Class C Liquor License!
Sterling Heights, MI
Macomb County Class C Liquor License is available and can be moved anywhere in Macomb...
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