Solid Trucking Company for Sale in Michigan
Macomb County, MI
LISTING ID # 36158 This is a great opportunity for someone looking to go off on their own or expansion for another trucking company. You can’t beat the price...
Industrial Warehouse/Cannabis Cultivation & Processing Facility
Warren, MI
- Municipal Approved Medical/Adult-Use Grow and Processing Facility with 4 Class C Grow/Processing Licenses, - -...
Three businesses for the price of one
Macomb, MI
5 FedEx Linehaul Routes - Sterling Heights, MI - Vehicle Financing
Sterling Heights, MI
Asking Price: $150,000 with assumption of $484,000 in vehicle financing. FedEx...
Trucking Logistics Management Software
Clinton Township, MI
11 years of business. Cloud based premium trucking Logistics Management Software & app....
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