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$10k to get into our Executive Model Wildlife Control Franchise!
This National Brand is backed by a NYSE Power House 24 Billion Dollar Company! They have many home services franchises and they all feed off each...
Print, Promotional & Marketing Business
Leading print, marketing & promo provider in Genesee County. This is a great business to own for families, partnerships and sole proprietors. This center...
Broasted chicken and rotisserie-cooked ribs Restaurant w/ Caterin
Genesee County, MI
Long Standing Family Operated<br />Chicken and Rib Restaurant<br />Owner says make offer they are ready to retire<br />Cash Cow<br />LOW Rent $1,563.23 a month<br...
Custom Test Equipment Engineering & Manufacturer Firm
Genesee County, MI
**Proof of funds, Confidentiality Agreement, and Seller Approval are required to disclose any additional information**<br /><br />Our firm is proud to present this...
Vacuum Sales and Repair Store, Operator In Place
Genesee County, MI
Vacuum Sales and Repair Store, Operator In Place, SDE 42K<br /><br />100% absentee owner...
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