Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for New Troy, MI. Showing instead
Better Made Chips Route, Benton Harbor, MI
Benton Harbor, MI
Better Made Chips Route available for qualified prospects in the Benton Harbor, Michigan region for $10,000! Currently this route has 76 accounts and averages an...
Eliminating the need for paper tools
Watervliet, MI
Yowel is a patented dispenser system for reusable towels. It was nominated as one of the top three innovative...
Turnkey Restaurant w/ Liquor License– Fun, Funky, and Full of Flavor!
Berrien County, MI
Why You'll Love It:<br />Class C Liquor License with outdoor permit, plus dance &...
Established Profitable Fast-Casual Franchise Restaurant
Saint Joseph, MI
A Delicious Opportunity with Great Profit Margins!<br /><br />Step into a profitable and...
Prime Opportunity Ice Cream and Smoothie Shop
Stevensville, MI
Business sells 36 flavors of ice cream. Hershey, Ashby's, and Mooville. 20 protein...
Profitable Deck Refinishing & Power Washing Company
Sodus, MI
Seize the opportunity to own a thriving deck and power washing company with a strong...
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