Turn Key Bagel Shop Opportunity
Oakland County, MI
Seize this unique chance to open your own bagel shop or bring your own culinary vision to life in a fully equipped, ready-to-go location. All equipment from the...
Asian & american bakery with full eqmt
Novi, MI
Asian & american bakery with variety of coffee & tea. Will train buyer on baking & coffee making. Sales 110k/yr. Rent 1900/m. Lot of Asians in the area and...
Franchise Fruit Bouquet
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a well-established Franchise Fruit Bouquet business...
Wholesale Bakery
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a unique, wholesale Bakery in Oakland County....
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a unique, German Bakery located in the Tri- County...
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a unique, German Bakery located in the Tri- County...
Wholesale Bakery
Oakland County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a unique, wholesale Bakery in Oakland County....
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