Sushi 1 - Japanese and Korean Restaurant (Novi MI)
Novi, MI
Sushi 1 is located in Novi and is part of the Novi Square Shopping Center. Near the...
Hibachi/Japanese restaurant with lots of space
Novi, MI
Hibachi at table, Japanese restaurant doing $1.4M sales. Lot of room to increase sales....
Busy sushi/Japanese restaurant in affluent Birmingham Downtown
Birmingham, MI
Busy sushi/Japanese restaurant in affluent Birmingham Downtown. 2300sf plus outdoor...
Popular sushi/Korean restaurant on main road
Troy, MI
Popular sushi/korean restraurant on main road. good sales 1M. rent 8k/m. facility is...
Turnkey, easy to operate and profitable sushi busiess.
Royal Oak, MI
Buy this sushi franchise in a large grocery store in Oakland County, Michigan. This is...
Busy sushi/Japanese restaurant
New Hudson, MI
Busy sushi/Japanese restaurant in busy shopping ctr with other franchise stores and...
Ferndale Restaurant w/ Class C Liquor License (Closed)
Oakland County, MI
We are pleased to bring to market a well-established restaurant/lounge with over 20...
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