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LAND & DRIVE THRU RESTAURANT on main thoroughfare for sale
Established quick serve business on M-33 in Rose City MI. Low over head of operations and minimum labor. Ability to community market with low marketing...
Convenience store with pizzeria, deli and two rental properties,
Clean, Well Organized Convenience store with Home- made Pizzeria, Deli and Baked goods, Liquor, Beer, Wine and Lotto. Located on Busy Highway in the...
Vantage Point Manufacturing
West Branch, MI
Thank you for your interest in our business!<br />All the information in this description can be found on our website at<br...
Mexican Restaurant & Bar
Ogemaw County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own an established, beautiful, Mexican Grill & Cantina in Ogemaw County! This Restaurant Grill & Bar is located on a highly...
Mexican Restaurant & Bar
Ogemaw County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own an established, beautiful, Mexican Grill & Cantina in...
Mexican Restaurant & Bar
Ogemaw County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own an established, beautiful, Mexican Grill & Cantina in...
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