Essential Niche, Parking Lot Lining, Repair, and Cleaning!
Detroit, MI
Re-occurring revenue!! Churches, Hospitals, Schools, Shopping Centers, Restaurants, Apartment Complexes, are all customers! They all need their parking lots...
Full-Service Plumbing Business w/Consistent Cash Flow
Northville, MI
Looking for a lucrative investment without getting your hands dirty? This plumbing business is perfect for you. With highly skilled technicians and fully equipped...
Insulation Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a growing Insulation Company in Suburban Wayne...
Insulation Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a growing Insulation Company in Suburban Wayne...
Installation and Industrial Manufacturing Business in Detroit
Detroit, MI
Demand for fencing is exceeding supply. This profitable manufacturing company produces...
Painting Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a well-established, high volume Painting Company...
Painting Company
Wayne County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a well-established, high volume Painting Company...
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