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Commercial power washing with reoccurring revenue!
Ann Arbor, MI
High Tech Equipment for the biggest jobs! “Customized Box Trucks” that hold 900 gallons of water and 100 gallons of chemicals. The maximum height reached is 20...
Locally Owned and Family Operated Appliance Repair Business for Sale
Washtenaw County, MI
Business has been passed down through 2 generations, creating a household name for the appliance repair service that is synonymous with integrity and quality. <br...
Pavement Marking and Striping Business
Ann Arbor, MI
Step into a well-established and thriving pavement marking business that’s been...
High-Margin Window Treatment Business with Cutting-Edge Technology
Ann Arbor, MI
This business specializes in delivering high-quality custom window treatment products,...
High sales dry cleaner drop-off store in Kroger mall
Ypsilanti, MI
High 248k sales dry cleaner drop-off store (outsourced cleaning) at busy Kroger grocery...
Weeding and Gardening Business
Ann Arbor, MI
*Calling all savvy agriculture investors! <br /> <br />Established and thriving weeding/...
Wellness Clinic
Washtenaw County, MI
This is a great opportunity to own a well-established, Wellness Clinic in an affluent...
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