Successful hydroponic greenhouse vegetable business + home + 3.5 acres
Well established family business in operation over 30 years located in south central Minnesota just off I90 marketing tomatoes, cucumbers and basil to...
Midwest Farm & Greenhouse With Over $500,000 In Cash Flow!
Great opportunity to own a well-established farm and greenhouse in the Midwest. The business has a long history of serving both wholesale and retail...
Southern MN Custom Slaughter with Real Estate
This business is not located in or around the Twin Cities metro area. Custom slaughter...
Wetland and Water Resources Consulting based in the Midwest for Sale!
This highly respected, independent wetland consulting firm has over 25 years of...
Hemp Extraction Facility Lab
Minneapolis, MN
Company was formed June 2019, started processing September 2019, Product line launched...
Florist Business with Greenhouse & 4-BR Home in Thriving MN Town
For Sale - Floral Business with a greenhouse and a 4-bedroom home in thriving southern...
Well-Established Grain & Feed Business in Minnesota
Long-established grain and feed wholesaler business serving southern Minnesota. Corn,...
Agricultural Metal Manufacturing
Pope County, MN
This is a metal manufacturing business serving the Ag industry. They also sell other Ag...
Successful! Meat Processing Business and Facility
Meat processing business and facility with steady diversified client base and well...
Long-Established, Reputable Florist and Greenhouse in West Central MN
Family owned and operated Florist and Greenhouse featuring flowers, plants, hanging...
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