HomeVestors (We Buy Ugly Houses® ) Franchise Resale (Minneapolis)
Minneapolis, MN
Motivated Seller! Price reduced for a quick sale. Seize the chance to own a...
Twin Cities Metro CBD/Hemp/Delta 9 Retailer. Only $57,300 Down Payment
Profitable retailer with over $450,000 in annual revenue in the trailing twelve months...
Long-established, Metro Area Appliance Repair Business
Turnkey, well-established appliance service company in business 42 years and serving the...
Costume Apparel and Accessories Retail/Online
This business is not your typical costume shop. You will experience the ultimate in...
Long-Established Alterations and Tailoring Business
Long-established alterations/tailoring business! Excellent reputation and repeat...
Fine Art Foundry
Hennepin County, MN
In fine art investment casting a sacrificial wax object is reproduced in metal by first...
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