Profitable Resort with Room for Upside
Kabetogama, MN
Coldwell Banker has been engaged to exclusively market The Pine Aire Resort; nestled on Lake Kabetogama, with direct access to Voyageurs National Park. This...
Camp Courage North
Lake George, MN
Over 90 wooded acres on a beautiful lake for recreation and fishing with incredible facilities, equipment and growth potential. Housekeeping cabins, bunkhouses,...
Turnkey Luxury Glamping Business – Low Maintenance & High Profit
Maple Lake, MN
This charming business practically runs itself. With Airbnb handling reservations and an...
Exclusive Opportunity: Prime Resort Listing
Baudette, MN
This meticulously maintained property boasts unparalleled natural beauty and endless...
Wigwam Resort
Baudette, MN
Wigwam is a large resort operation with year-round business providing summer charters,...
Resort in Voyageurs National Park. Call Today!
Orr, MN
Ash Trail Lodge is located on the Ash River. It is a central gateway to the Voyageurs...
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