HSC OFF Sale Liquor $5.4M plus 1.6 Lottery Total sales 7M
Minneapolis, MN
HSC is proud to offer one of the area's oldest and highest sales volume Liquor stores. The owner says it's time to retire. Includes Business, Real Estate, all...
Neighborhood Liquor store
Maple Grove, MN
Established Off Sale Liquor Store, located in a Twin Cities north-west suburb. Prominently in center of a fully leased strip center with abundant free parking....
Off-Sale Liquor Store with Property Hennepin County -Gross Sales $3M.
Hennepin County, MN
Established 16 years ago, this busy off-sale liquor and Real Estate is located in...
Liquor Store - South Metro
Hennepin County, MN
Off-sale liquor store established for 30 years and located in a strip mall, in a south...
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