Electronic Article Surveillance For Sale
Fort Snelling, MN
Our client is offering a unique and versatile anti-shoplifting technology for sale to the market. It is unlike any system currently in use. This technology is...
Motorcycle accessories manufacturing & direct sale
Anoka County, MN
We manufacture a product line that has a stellar reputation for top quality amongst the cruiser segment of the motorcycle industry. The flagship product line was...
Hemp Extraction Facility Lab
Minneapolis, MN
Company was formed June 2019, started processing September 2019, Product line launched...
Automated Window Cleaning Technology
Minneapolis, MN
A pioneering company at the forefront of cutting-edge technology for automated...
Pizza Man , 33 years , One owner , Steady sales , Low Rent , Cash Flow
Stillwater, MN
Pizza Man has a great Product that stands out and has a proven track record and it shows...
Sub Shop in North Metro
Ramsey County, MN
This sub shop is operated with a manager. Sellers will complete all the current...
Manufacturing (Sewing) - Personal Care Garment - Patented Product
Plymouth, MN
This Business Manufactures Easy to Sew Water holding Garments for Men and Women to...
Honey Business that is “Buzzing”
Scott County, MN
Can you help take us to market and really 10X this business? If you can, this could be...
Motorcycle Trike Conversions
Scott County, MN
A one-of-a-kind motorcycle to trike conversion company located in MN. The company has a...
Glass Doctor
Available Nationwide
Glass Doctor, a Neighborly company, is the nation's leading glass repair and replacement...
Medtech: Software Enabled Airflow Control Systems for Operating Rooms
Minneapolis, MN
This is an opportunity to purchase a company with patent pending software that controls...
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