Established Asian Grocery Store in Twin City Metro
Minneapolis, MN
Located in the heart of Bloomington Minnesota, the store occupies 2900 square feet in a busy shopping plaza. It is established with a large regular customer base...
HSC OFF Sale Liquor $5.4M plus 1.6 Lottery Total sales 7M
Minneapolis, MN
HSC is proud to offer one of the area's oldest and highest sales volume Liquor stores. The owner says it's time to retire. Includes Business, Real Estate, all...
Well established tea shop incl. e-commerce, now on new platform.
Minneapolis, MN
Our shop is focused on sustainability and carry mostly organic and (where we can) fair...
Unique Clothing and Accessories Business Serving Seniors
Minneapolis, MN
This business brings fine quality clothing and accessories to senior women. Our periodic...
See more results when you broaden your search from Minneapolis to Anoka County.
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