20 Year Wholesale Food Distribution Business
Established 20 years in business snack and food wholesaler. We sell to mostly independent convenience stores, gas stations, meat markets, halal, Asian...
Successful hydroponic greenhouse vegetable business + home + 3.5 acres
Well established family business in operation over 30 years located in south central Minnesota just off I90 marketing tomatoes, cucumbers and basil to...
Midwest Farm & Greenhouse With Over $500,000 In Cash Flow!
Great opportunity to own a well-established farm and greenhouse in the Midwest. The business has a long history of serving both wholesale and retail clientele. Top...
Twin Cities Based Distribution Business - $451,431 of Cash Flow
Well-established distribution business based in the Twin Cities metro area. $144,200 down buys you $451,431 of cash flow. • Business to Business (no retail) •...
Distributor of Organizational Solutions for Businesses
This company is a trusted distributor specializing in providing high-quality solutions...
Attention Sales & Marketing Experts: Industrial Distribution Business
Attention sales and marketing experts! Opportunity to grow a 30-year-old Industrial...
Well-Established Grain & Feed Business in Minnesota
Long-established grain and feed wholesaler business serving southern Minnesota. Corn,...
Profitable Wholesale/Retail Business in Metro!! $1.1M in Revenue
Well established turnkey Wholesale/Retail Business in the Metro with Lots of opportunity...
Midwest Office Furniture -Design, Sales, and Installation-$73k down
• Turnkey business around for 25+ years with high-quality product lines and top brands •...
Sale Pending: Wholesale distributor of fishing products
Sherburne County, MN
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Wholesale distributor of fishing products. This eight-decade-old...
Eden Prairie – Andover Area Pepperidge Farm Bread Distribution Route
Eden Prairie, MN
Price: $313,835 – Weekly Sales: $8,921 This listing is for a Pepperidge Farm bread...
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