Successful hydroponic greenhouse vegetable business + home + 3.5 acres
Well established family business in operation over 30 years located in south central Minnesota just off I90 marketing tomatoes, cucumbers and basil to...
Midwest Farm & Greenhouse With Over $500,000 In Cash Flow!
Great opportunity to own a well-established farm and greenhouse in the Midwest. The business has a long history of serving both wholesale and retail...
Mission's Tortilla Route, Minneapolis, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Mission’s Tortilla Route for sale in the Minneapolis, Minnesota region for $170,000! Currently generating $389,661 in yearly sales and nets $57,352....
Twin Cities Based Distribution Business - $451,431 of Cash Flow
Well-established distribution business based in the Twin Cities metro area. $144,200 down buys you $451,431 of cash flow. • Business to Business (no retail) •...
Distributor of Organizational Solutions for Businesses
This company is a trusted distributor specializing in providing high-quality solutions...
Attention Sales & Marketing Experts: Industrial Distribution Business
Attention sales and marketing experts! Opportunity to grow a 30-year-old Industrial...
Well-Established Grain & Feed Business in Minnesota
Long-established grain and feed wholesaler business serving southern Minnesota. Corn,...
Profitable Wholesale/Retail Business in Metro!! $1.1M in Revenue
Well established turnkey Wholesale/Retail Business in the Metro with Lots of opportunity...
Midwest Office Furniture -Design, Sales, and Installation-$73k down
• Turnkey business around for 25+ years with high-quality product lines and top brands •...
Sale Pending: Wholesale distributor of fishing products
Sherburne County, MN
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Wholesale distributor of fishing products. This eight-decade-old...
Eden Prairie – Andover Area Pepperidge Farm Bread Distribution Route
Eden Prairie, MN
Price: $313,835 – Weekly Sales: $8,921 This listing is for a Pepperidge Farm bread...
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