Meat Processing Business in Missouri
This Missouri meat processing business is a family-owned and operated beef and pork harvest and processing facility. They provide fee-based processing services to...
Long established feed and farm supply store
West Plains, MO
Farm feed and supply store in south central Missouri. Product lines include livestock and animal feeds, seeds, bulk fertilizer, and various other farm and rural...
Outdoor Equipment Sales and Service Company
Saint Louis, MO
Turnkey outdoor equipment company specializing in a wide range of essential equipment, from mowers and snow equipment to aerators, spreaders, and seeders. The...
Kansas City Suburban Meat Processing Business
This is a relatively new meat processing business that has enjoyed strong growth. The sellers have demonstrated a good track record for expanding the business...
Must Sell! Wholesale Distribution Company #914
Saint Louis, MO
Motivated owners are ready to sell immediately! A well-established distribution company...
38 Acres Plus Profitable Business For Sale
So many possibilities with this long-standing property! An experienced staff handles...
Full Service Commercial Landscaper #808
Saint Louis, MO
Full-Service supplier of Commercial Landscape services to commercial accounts in the...
Livestock Auctioneer Extraordinary Growth & Market Dominator! (37913)
Sited in North Central Missouri, business specializes in the cattle auctioning of feeder...
Southern Illinois Winery and Banquet Facility - Price Reduced!
St. Louis County, MO
TAKE $1,800,000 OFF ORIGINAL PRICE. Now priced at $1.99 million with up to $750,000 in...
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