Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Clay County, MO. Showing instead
Child Care Center for Sale at Reduced Price
Florissant, MO
Well established day care with the license capacity of 96 children. Revenue is consistent. Center is reputable with a strong educational learning environment. This...
Preschool, Day Care & Learning Center #911
Saint Louis, MO
This Learning center is a great way to jump start your small business. It has a steady stream of loyal clients, with an acre of land for exploration and outdoors...
Day Care Preschool
Kansas City, MO
Great Opportunity to own a Turn Key Child Care Business with Potential for Growth. They...
Thriving Early Childhood Education & Day Care with RE #901
Saint Louis, MO
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to own a thriving early childhood education and...
Preschool & Day Care Center #853
Bonne Terre, MO
This Learning center is a great way to jump start your small business. It has a steady...
Daycare w/ RE Owner Financing Available
Saint Charles, MO
This daycare has been serving the community for multiple generations. This business has...
Community Daycare w/RE
Saint Charles, MO
This longstanding daycare has been in business for almost 40 years. This turn-key...
Karen's Kids Inc.
Saint Louis, MO
Karen's Kids Inc. is in a great location in St. Charles county. The owner has worked to...
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