Child Care Center for Sale at Reduced Price
Florissant, MO
Well established day care with the license capacity of 96 children. Revenue is consistent. Center is reputable with a strong educational learning environment. This...
Preschool, Day Care & Learning Center #911
Saint Louis, MO
This Learning center is a great way to jump start your small business. It has a steady stream of loyal clients, with an acre of land for exploration and outdoors...
Day Care Preschool
Kansas City, MO
Great Opportunity to own a Turn Key Child Care Business with Potential for Growth. They...
Thriving Early Childhood Education & Day Care with RE #901
Saint Louis, MO
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to own a thriving early childhood education and...
Preschool & Day Care Center #853
Bonne Terre, MO
This Learning center is a great way to jump start your small business. It has a steady...
Daycare w/ RE Owner Financing Available
Saint Charles, MO
This daycare has been serving the community for multiple generations. This business has...
Community Daycare w/RE
Saint Charles, MO
This longstanding daycare has been in business for almost 40 years. This turn-key...
Karen's Kids Inc.
Saint Louis, MO
Karen's Kids Inc. is in a great location in St. Charles county. The owner has worked to...
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