Charcuterie Business For Sales In Kansas City
Kansas City, MO
This is a great opportunity for a sales-minded and/or creative individual to take a full-on fun business to the next level! Always keep in mind that catering is...
Pastry Company with Huge Expansion Opportunity
Buchanan County, MO
Are you looking for an investment with an incredible growth opportunity in the food manufacturing and distribution sector? This unique pastry company is rightly...
Local Bar and Restaurant For Sale - Great Location
Here is your opportunity to own a popular local eating establishment that has been...
Restaurant Equipment Distributor & Manufacturer in Midwest, Mo #891
Saint Louis, MO
This amazing company has a proven track record selling a broad range of equipment for...
Innovative Energy Drink Brand
St. Charles County, MO
This energy drink brand offers a unique, health-focused formula designed to meet the...
Food Distribution Business PRICE CHANGE!
Saint Louis, MO
This business has had a significant shift in their industry recently. With this shift...
Micro Brewing Co. & Bar
Saint Louis, MO
Established in West St. Louis County, this beloved microbrewery and bar has become a...
Turn-Key High End Bake Shop - Profitable
St. Charles County, MO
This long-running, high-end, specialty cake shop is ready for a new decorator to come in...
Profitable Smart Vending Business Route in St. Louis
St. Louis County, MO
Orange Juice Smart Machine operation consisting of (3) machines separately located in...
Team Up Athletics
Available in Missouri
Sports industry! 30%-40% margins. Low up front cost, high margin opportunity, start...
Multi-Unit Recognized Brand $500K+ in Adjusted EBITDA #657
Saint Louis, MO
This is a seasoned and well-known franchised brand. The earliest store was established...
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