Franchised Blow Dry/Makeup Bar with 8 stations, full staff
Chesterfield, MO
Located in the upscale Chesterfield area, you can expect walk-in clients in addition to online bookings. Blo Corporate provides training, ensures a top of the line...
Natural Health practitioner Holistic Wellness Practice
St. Louis County, MO
Do you love helping people in a very natural way? You can watch people achieve great results and make income while doing so. Health and Wellness is a growing...
Upscale Tanning Salon - Profitable with Little Competition
PRICE REDUCED! Gorgeous tanning salon with customers, staff and profit! Turn key and...
Investment Opportunity in an Innovative Beauty Supply Company
St. Louis County, MO
This Company is set to make waves in the Beauty and Glamour Industry. After years of...
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