Gas station for sale
St. Clair County, IL
Branded gas station doing 100,000 gallons and 80,000 inside sale . Busy neighborhood store . Lottery commission 2,000 per month . Absentee owner . Great...
Branded gas station for sale
St. Clair County, IL
Branded gas station doing 30,000 gallons @40 cent and 200,000 inside sale . Busy neighborhood store . Lottery commission 3,000 per month . Great potential ....
Liquor store for sale
St. Clair County, IL
Liquor Store doing 155,000 sales per month .Very profitable store. High margins . Store sells beer , wine , liquor , grocery etc . Extra income $12,000 a...
Neighborhood Market #900
Saint Louis, MO
Small grocery store, neighborhood convenience store, check cashing services, with liquor, lottery, cigarettes and non-perishable items. Lots of possibilities to...
Gas station for sale
Madison County, IL
Branded gas station doing 60,000 gallons and 225,000 inside sale . Busy neighborhood...
Gas station for sale
St. Clair County, IL
Branded gas station doing 6,0000 gallons and 160,000 inside sale . Busy neighborhood...
Thriving Convenience Store with Kitchen
Saint Louis, MO
Thriving Convenience Store with Kitchen - $225,000 (Including Inventory)Key Features:...
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