Profitable Turnkey Brewery #910
Saint Louis, MO
Charming, well-established franchise location with over two hundred craft beers,...
Well-established bar and restaurant in a growing neighborhood
Saint Louis, MO
This is a fantastic chance to take over a well-established bar and restaurant, known for...
Restaurant and Sports Bar
Saint Louis, MO
Recognized Family-owned Restaurant and Sports Bar that has been around for over 30...
Sports Bar with Real Estate - Sales over 2.4 Million a Year
St. Louis County, MO
Sales are UP on this Highly Profitable Illinois Sports Bar . Turnkey Large Dining...
Sports Bar and Grill with Gaming
St. Louis County, MO
Brewing Distillery with Distribution
Clayton, MO
This brewery spared no expense in build-out which created an incredible atmosphere for...
Dynamic Restaurant, Bar & Nightlife Venue - Price Reduced #867
Saint Louis, MO
Price Reduced! This well-established business is a vibrant restaurant, bar, and...
Tapped Social House FFE Sale.
Saint Louis, MO
Tapped Social House is up for Public Sale. This is a great opportunity to acquire and...
Killer Cafe! High Traffic, High Visability, High Profit!
St. Louis County, MO
WOW! You don’t often find it all in the restaurant business. If you ever wanted to own,...
Wingers Alehouse
Available in Missouri
America's Small Market Alehouse! Be the one to bring our unique handcrafted food, 40...
Bar & Grill with RE
Saint Louis, MO
Great opportunity to acquire a Bar and Grill that has been around for over 100 years. ...
Cape Girardeau Bar & Grill W/RE
Saint Louis, MO
This Bar and Grill located in Cape Girardeau which has been around for many years and is...
Beautifully Laid out Bar and Restaurant - Amazing Outdoor Space!
St. Louis County, MO
Wow! You have to see this one! This destination restaurant & bar has it all! Great...
Motivated Owner Ready to Retire! Full-Service Restaurant & Bar #798
Saint Louis, MO
Established full-service restaurant and bar with outstanding features and excellent...
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