Popular, Profitable and Unique Restaurant and Sports Bar
Omaha, NE
Discover an exceptional opportunity in Omaha’s vibrant dining scene with this established restaurant specializing in food that attracts a wide variety of...
American Diner and Brunch with Management in Place
Omaha, NE
This restaurant serves the Omaha Metro area and has built a reputation for its commitment to quality food made from scratch. Offering breakfast, brunch, lunch,...
Hawaiian Restaurant in Midtown Omaha
Omaha, NE
Price Reduced! This popular Hawaiian and Korean inspired fusion restaurant in midtown...
Downtown Breakfast & Bar - 7 Figure revenue open 7 hours a day
Omaha, NE
Thriving full-service breakfast restaurant & bar in a prime downtown location. This...
Great West Omaha Pizza and Pub
Omaha, NE
Great location and completely remodeled.
Cash Flow: $226,167
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