Home Improvement Business, 3 yrs as National Franchise
Absentee owners looking to sell or find a qualified operating partner. Established Home Improvement Franchise with 3 years of steady financials over...
Specialized Training Company
This 10-year-old Specialized Training Company is for sale in the Omaha, Nebraska area. They provide in-house along with mobile training and education to...
Home Based Shelving and Closet Franchise with High Growth Potential.
Omaha, NE
Explore the exceptional opportunity of owning a home organization franchise and becoming...
B2B and B2C Service Business
Omaha, NE
This growing and well-established Service Company with 20+ years of experience is for...
Property Management Company w/ Multiple Revenue Streams- Omaha
Omaha, NE
This is a busy, home based, real estate and property management business. Our local...
Children's Service Business in Omaha, NE - $25,000
Omaha, NE
This is a great opportunity to take over a thriving children's service business in Omaha...
Janitorial with 28 Reoccurring Weekly Accounts
Omaha, NE
This business primarily handles office cleanings for small businesses which make up 80%...
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