Pool Service In Henderson For Sale!
Henderson, NV
Well-established pool service biz consists of 157 residential accounts, with a monthly recurring billing of $21,991 plus repair income. Pools are currently...
Mailbox store with DHL, USPS, FedEx, UPS, and Uhaul services!
Henderson, NV
GROWING mailbox store with BUSY Uhaul rentals for trucks & trailers. Semi-absentee seller does biz administration. Strong revenue from moving supply sales (tape,...
Established Residential & Commercial Cleaning Service in Las Vegas, NV
Henderson, NV
Independent janitorial business, established for 18 years with operations in both Las Vegas NV and CA. This business is 30% commercial and 70% residential....
Property Management Company: Residential/Short-Term
Henderson, NV
For Sale: this local residential real estate business. Cash flow represents adjusted net profit in 2023. The sale price includes all office supplies and advanced...
Dry Cleaners Plant & Wholesale, For Sale!
Henderson, NV
The cleaner is located in Henderson on Eastern Ave, inside a busy shopping center and...
Handyman/ remodeling business
Henderson, NV
The owner's clients consist of realtors, single family and multi-family property owners...
Tailor & Alterations Shop, Real Money Maker!!!
Henderson, NV
Established Tailoring Business with Loyal Clientele Perfect for an experienced tailor or...
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