Established Product with $1.8M of sales, B2C or B2B Countless Opps
Established in 2019 premium hook & ring boards build on the nostalgia of classic family fun elevated with the competitiveness and...
Cash Flow: $1,106
Innovative SaaS QR Code & NFC Management Platform
This company offers an advanced SaaS platform that revolutionizes QR code management and NFC tag functionalities. It integrates seamlessly with a robust...
Innovative SaaS QR Code & NFC Management Platform
Dover, NH
This company offers an advanced SaaS platform that revolutionizes QR code management and NFC tag functionalities. It integrates seamlessly with a robust website...
Cash Flow: $1,106
Turnkey Bar & Pizzeria in Heart of Downtown Dover!
Dover, NH
Fully furnished and working food and drink establishment. Opportunity for two brands to be run out of one kitchen. Bar + Pizza restaurant. End unit is an...
RV Mobile Service and Van Conversion Business
Strafford County, NH
This established and profitable mobile RV service business provides the ultimate in convenience by bringing their services to the customer. The business repairs...
200-Unit Electrical Leader: Recurring Revenue, No License
Strafford County, NH
Confidential Business Acquisition Opportunity: Premier Electrical Services Franchise A rare opportunity to acquire an established and highly profitable electrical...
Established Pizza & Bar Business with Patio and Growth Potential!
Barrington, NH
**PRICE REDUCED** This well-established pizza and bar fare business offers a fantastic...
Profitable Septic Service Business and Real Estate
Strafford County, NH
Established and profitable septic pumping and repair business and real estate available...
Growing and Profitable Bar/Restaurant (Strafford County, NH)
Strafford County, NH
This young and growing Bar/Restaurant located in popular Strafford County is in...
Qualicare Home Care
Available in New Hampshire
Own a business that’ll make a real difference. Learn why our 360° Approach is changing...
National Sandwich Franchise located in Strafford County, NH
Strafford County, NH
Offering a well-established and reputable sandwich franchise located in Southern New...
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