Niche Manufacturer for Sale in NJ
Bergen County, NJ
LISTING ID # 33880 Longtime niche manufacturer of valves, filters, strainers and other products that are used in pipelines for different industries such as...
Great Chain restaurant(Absentee owner)
Palisades Park, NJ
100% absentee owner, manager operates, no chef necessary, Yearly net income will be around $250,000 if owner operates. Any one can own it without experience. Easy...
Kilwins National Franchise Ice Cream Confectionary Store
Ridgewood, NJ
Kilwins a well-known National franchise is known for its homemade ice cream, fudge,...
Lodi New Jersey Consumption Liquor License
Lodi, NJ
Lodi New Jersey Consumption Liquor Licenses for use in retail consumption services. ...
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