Liquor Store
Ocean County, NJ
A lucrative liquor store located in a bustling shopping center and next to a big...
Branded gas station with C-Store
Essex County, NJ
4MPDS newly renovated gas station with 3DWFG tanks. Sells Diesel as well. Beautiful...
branded gas station with C-Store
Passaic County, NJ
Newly renovated gas station with 2MPDS and C-Store. The station is pumping an average of...
Number One Deli Seven Years In A Row
Passaic County, NJ
Voted as the top Deli and Catering Service for seven consecutive years in eight Passaic...
Branded Gas Station with Convenience Store
Old Bridge, NJ
Branded Gas Station with Convenience Store
Business Only
Edison, NJ
Sunoco takes care of tanks, pumps & environmental issues. Sunoco pays taxes on gas....
Prime Corner Convenience Store Serving The Community For Years
Paterson, NJ
Prime location in the heart of Paterson, highly visible corner, one block from the...
ASSET SALE: Convenience Store / Deli for sale!
Passaic County, NJ
Opened up in April of 2023. Fully Renovated convenience store. Deli equipment included...
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