Childcare Center for Sale in Passaic County
Passaic County, NJ
This well-established childcare center is perfect for someone looking to invest in a...
Large,franchised, functioning Center for sale at very attractive price
New Jersey
Large, well known and established early childhood education franchise for sale at an...
Children Education/Development Franchise Opportunity
Mahwah, NJ
Tutoring Service/Learning Center: With approximately 300 locations across the country,...
Large Central NJ Childcare Center with Growth Potential
New Jersey
A unique center in terms of its current revenue and growth potential. No comparative...
Profitable North NJ Childcare with a Wait List
New Jersey
This center was started from scratch by the current owner 15+ years ago. The center is...
Middlesex County Childcare - Perfect for 1st timer
Middlesex County, NJ
Purchase a center that quickly developed an excellent reputation for its curriculum and...
Childcare Center - Primarily Vouchers
Passaic County, NJ
This is perfect for the first-time buyer desiring to be the director. The center is...
Profitable After School Program (License capacity 159) Somerset County
Union County, NJ
For Sale: Profitable Aftercare Program 42+ Years of Excellence Price: $70,000 Take...
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