Ready to Grow: An Entrepreneurial Lifestyle!
Hamilton Township, NJ
SEEKING: AN ENTREPRENEUR WITH A PASSION FOR GARDENS! OFFERING INCLUDES: One acre land parcel Retail garden center with trade fixtures and equipment. 3,800...
Flower Shop Business for Sale in East Brunswick
East Brunswick, NJ
Established flower shop now available. Located on busy street giving fantastic visibility for foot traffic. Business has established relationships with local...
Florist Boutique
Warren County, NJ
Owner retiring after many successful years in the florist industry. This is a wonderful...
Flower/Plant Business,/Wildwood /Cape May area
Wildwood City, NJ
Flower/Plant Tent business. Excellent Profits . Semi-Absentee ownership available....
Flower/Plant Business, Long Beach Area
Long Beach Township, NJ
Flower and Plant Tent Business. Semi Absentee ownership available. Excellent Return on...
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