Money Making Machine
Hudson County, NJ
Established business for sale turn key and start making money, beautiful Real Estate Office and tax preparation business, nice CEO office, conference room, modern...
Recurring Cash Flow - Hands off ATM route - $220,000
Jersey City, NJ
ATM Route for sale $220,000.00! This New Jersey portfolio of 66 ATM machines is based in and around NJ and the surrounding areas. This portfolio is showing steady...
Hands off ATM route $810,000 60 ATMs - Attrition Guarantee
Jersey City, NJ
New York & New Jersey ATM Route ATM Route for sale $810,000.00! This New York & New...
Recurring Revenue - Fully Operated ATM Route - Attrition Guarantee
Union City, NJ
New York & New Jersey ATM Route for sale $1,620,000.00! 123 ATM machines is based in...
Long-standing Accounting Firm located in North Bergen
North Bergen, NJ
BUSINESS AND PROPERTY ARE BOTH FOR SALE (Business in same location for 40 years, A...
Well Known Check Cashing Store- Highest Rated Franchise
Hudson County, NJ
This store is located in a highly populated New York City suburb with upside growth...
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