Beauty and Personal Care Nail Salon and Spa
Middlesex County, NJ
Great family run business with loyal customer base due to competitive price points. Features update POS system, waiting area, and up to date equipment. Owner...
Extremely Profitable Barber Shop for Sale!!
New Brunswick, NJ
Very Established Barber shop for sale located in New Brunswick’s busiest district, THE YARD! The Yard is Rutger’s college- community space, surrounded by 8,000+...
Long standing, hair salon in busy area
Middlesex County, NJ
This 25+ year hair salon is located in a prime location in a densely populated area of central NJ and ready for the next owner-operator. Turn key operation with 8...
Men's Hair Salon
Middlesex County, NJ
Full-service unisex Barber Shop & salon located in a wonderful area of Northern New Jersey and in Middlesex County. Prior to the pandemic the company had a gross...
"Dermatology clinic(skin & hair care ,Laser treatment)for Sale"
Old Bridge, NJ
Don't miss the opportunity to purchase a reputable and profitable business offering...
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