Insurance Office with 80% Recurring Revenue! 650k Net! 250k Down!
Monmouth County, NJ
INSURANCE PRODUCER LICENSE IS REQUIRED TO OWN THIS BUSINESS. Office in business for 30 years. 80% of the business is recurring revenue through monthly retainers...
Central/Southern Monmouth County, NJ CPA Practice for Sale
Monmouth County, NJ
This reputable, well-established CPA practice for sale is located in Central/Southern Monmouth County, NJ and has annual gross revenue of approximately $575,000....
Greater Freehold, NJ Area CPA Practice for Sale
Monmouth County, NJ
This well-established CPA practice for sale is located in the Greater Freehold, NJ area...
Long Term Profitable NJ Check Cashing Store- Monmouth County
Monmouth County, NJ
This store is in a very busy shopping center in a highly populated area. The business...
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