Liquor license for Sale Class C
Free -Standing Liquor License Available. Passaic County, City of Clifton. Asking Price $150,000.00
Under Contact/Pizzeria doing 15kto16K Wk in Passaic County,NJ
Landmark location Pizzeria has been the main hub for the pizza lovers which is located on main street in Passaic County,New Jersey. This location offers...
Morris County Bagel store on busy highway!
Newfoundland, NJ
Take over this trun key bagel store! Store is in this location for over 20 years! Busy...
Bagel Shop Passaic County #0306
Passaic County, NJ
Located on a State highway with over 60,000 cars passing by daily. This 1100 sq/ft bagel...
Price Cut-A Great Bagel & Grill store-under the renovations.
Passaic County, NJ
Price Cut $70,000.00. It has located off a major thoroughfare in a safe, bustling area....
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