Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for South Hackensack, NJ. Showing instead
65 Year Old Profitable Quality Bakery
Well-established 60+ year-old bakery off a major thoroughfare in the heart of an affluent area. A family-owned business for several generations, it has...
Long time Deli/Bakery- Very Profitable!
The business does all it's own baking of award winning desserts on premise.<br /><br />They are also well known for their lunch menu and prepared foods...
Business for Sale-Bakery
Ridgewood, NJ
A sweet opportunity awaits bakery business for sale in a highly desirable neighborhood...
Little Ferry, NJ - Established Cafe/Restaurant in Prime Location
Little Ferry, NJ
A phenomenal business opportunity at a well established and thriving cafe/restaurant in...
Online Custom Cakes & Baked Goods Company For Sale
Bergen County, NJ
Custom cake and other bakery related items, including arepas. Over 12,000 followers on...
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