Five Decade, Family-Owned CNC Precision Machining Shop for Sale!
Union County, NJ
INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE REQUIRED This company has been machining precision components for the microwave, oil service, nuclear, aerospace and defense industries since...
Niche Service & Manufacturer
Elizabeth, NJ
Unique niche, service, manufacturing, rebuilding and installation company, providing a key component for a trillion dollar industry. The company not only...
Bank Safety Envelope Manufacturer for Sale (Absentee-Run)
Union County, NJ
Ideal fit for a distributor/manufacturer in the industry, or packaging company!...
Absentee Owner 8,500 S/F Giant Profitable Laundromat 78 W/80 D
Union County, NJ
Giant Profitable Absentee Owner management system of Giant Laundromat total 8,500 S/F...
Deli & Food Business
Union County, NJ
- Active Deli-Food business on a busy Main Street with Many Locals in the area. - Has a...
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