Established Shared Office Space Franchise
Union County, NJ
This business opportunity is an established franchise location in a upscale downtown location in Union County. The recently expanded space is modern and provides a...
Nat’l Healthcare Ratings Platform–Strong Revenue
Union County, NJ
This is a rare opportunity to acquire a premier online platform that connects patients with top-rated doctors, dentists, and healthcare providers across the United...
Candy Honor Box Route, Northern New Jersey
Elizabeth, NJ
Candy Honor Box Route For Sale for $50,000! Currently grossing $41,170 per year in sales and nets $34,640 per year! An honor box is a box containing snack items to...
Niche Service & Manufacturer
Elizabeth, NJ
Unique niche, service, manufacturing, rebuilding and installation company, providing a key component for a trillion dollar industry. The company not only...
Tropicana/Naked Juice Route
Elizabeth, NJ
Net Over $3,300 a week for only working 4 days with you driving this Tropicana Route....
3D/4D/HD Ultrasound Business Established 10+ years
Union County, NJ
Incredible Business Opportunity! Are you ready to step into a thriving business with...
Italian Restaurant/Bar/Catering
Union County, NJ
Profitable & well-established Italian Restaurant/Bar & Catering business. Authentic...
Two Dry Cleaners
Union County, NJ
Owner retiring for this wonderful opportunity to own a highly profitable modern...
Long Established Cleaners Plant & Drop Store
Union County, NJ
LISTING ID # 36442 Established Dry Cleaning Plant plus Drop Store. Sales are up! Owners...
Spray Foam Genie
Available in New Jersey
Join Spray Foam Genie and enjoy being the CEO of your own Area Development Franchise...
Self Service Laundry Coin Wash
Union County, NJ
Great business opportunity, with a lot of potential!! 136 (in total) Washer/Dryer's in...
Giant Profitable Absentee Owner Laundromat 9,000s/f New 88w/100 D
Union County, NJ
Total 9,000 S/F Absentee owner management of Laundromat with new 88 Washer and 100...
Absentee Owner Giant Layndromat 9,000 S/F with 3 years old 84W/94 D
Union County, NJ
Super Large Absentee Owner Management Laundromat 9,000 S/F with 3 years old 84 Washers...
Absentee Owner 8,500 S/F Giant Profitable Laundromat 78 W/80 D
Union County, NJ
Giant Profitable Absentee Owner management system of Giant Laundromat total 8,500 S/F...
Large Semi-Absentee Laundromat - Union County
Union County, NJ
Large 5600 SF Laundromat w/ 7 year old machines. 55 Washers and 62 Dryers....
Well Established Laundry Service Business For Sale
Union County, NJ
This well established laundry service business in a strip mall. This is primarily a...
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