CASH COW! Trendy, established, and profitable restaurant for sale
Lea County, NM
Will sell turn-key restaurant business by itself (with a long-term lease available at favorable rates) or with real estate ($2,500,000 total). Full liquor license...
High Profit Specialty Restaurant
New Mexico
Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, this unique Mediterranean restaurant has an established reputation for excellent food served in a beautiful setting. The 140...
2 Restaurants - 33 Years in Business
Taos, NM
This is a profitable pizzeria and breakfast cafe. They have 21 beer taps and 4 wine...
Sales of Nearly $800,000 at this New Mexico Restaurant for Sale
West Las Vegas, NM
Why work for someone else? The owner operator of this New Mexico Restaurant for Sale...
Established Custom Cake Business - Perfect for Home-Based Entrepreneur
Taos, NM
This charming custom cake decorating business presents a fantastic opportunity for those...
6-Unit Package Restaurants for sale. Owner benefits $1.5 million
Albuquerque, NM
Buy this 6-unit and catering Package Restaurants for sale with an owner benefit of over...
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