Wise Snacks Route (6117)
Astoria, NY
Net $1,100 a week after all expenses for only working 3 days a week.....Gross weekly...
Laundromat -Fully Absentee - Astoria Queens - $80,000
Astoria, NY
Fully absentee store. Great location in well appointed neighborhood with 2-3 family...
Absentee Laundromat-Fully Staffed & Great Location - Astoria, $149,000
Astoria, NY
Established laundromat in business over 30 years in business with good potential. ...
Well managed and profitable Laundromat for Sale
Astoria, NY
5000 sq laundromat. 58 washers and 58 dryers.
Needs Working owner- Astoria Beauty- 62 Machines $139,000.
Astoria, NY
Astoria Beauty- 62 Machines $149,000. New 10 year lease. Needs a working owner or pickup...
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