Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Bay Shore, NY. Showing instead
Mexican Burrito Grill (#22661)
Commack, NY
Overview of the Restaurant for Sale <br />Located in a bustling shopping center on a major roadway, this recently remodeled Mexican restaurant is a rare find in...
Turn key renovated former Deli
Hauppauge, NY
This recently renovated space had been home to a successful deli for more than 30 years. Mostly new equipment including Ice Machine, Freezer, Fryer. Oven , stove,...
Spacious Restaurant For Sale in New York
Suffolk County, NY
LISTING ID # 36196 <br /> <br />Restaurant for sale with property boasting 4800 square feet, high ceilings, and...
Huntington Village - 20+ year Italian Restaurant
Huntington, NY
Premium location! In the heart of Huntington Village. Front and rear entrances. 61+ seating. Turn key! Long Expansive bar. Front on Main Street with a rear...
Huntington Village - Established Restaurant Consumer 5 star ratings!
Huntington, NY
PRICED BELOW MARKET! What are you waiting for?! 13 year established restaurant in the...
Huntington Village - Long time Established Restaurant/Bar
Huntington, NY
Look at this great price! Located in the heart of Huntington Village. Long time...
Package of 2 Successful High Producing Ramen Restaurants
Suffolk County, NY
Not your Average Ramen Noodle Restaurant! These locations are hipgo-to restaurants for a...
Fast Food Grill Avg 40-50k per week! Management to Stay
Suffolk County, NY
Highly Profitable Fast Food Grill with Tremendous Following averagoing $40-50k weekly. ...
Jamaican Restaurant Opportunity
Suffolk County, NY
LISTING ID # 36570 <br /> <br />Turnkey restaurant space available, perfect for any menu...
Teriyaki Madness
Available Nationwide
Our food is addictive and our concept is fresh!
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