Well Established Food Manufacturing Wholesale and Retail Business
Buffalo, NY
For Sale-Well established, 95 year old, light manufacturing, wholesale food business located in North Buffalo NY with 4 retail outlets. Historic income producing,...
Commercial Printing and Fulfillment Business for Sale
Buffalo, NY
Full service. Long profitable history. Excellent stable of customers. Tenured employees. Growing fulfillment offering.
Profitable Fertilizer and Ice Melter Packaging Company w/ Real Estate
Buffalo, NY
Established in 1951, the company is a reputable manufacturer and packager of...
Established Book Bindery and Book Repair
Buffalo, NY
This established business is a comprehensive hardcover and softcover bookbinding service...
Profitable & Established Manufacturer and Distributor
Buffalo, NY
This is a 50-year-old family business which specializes in the manufacturing, service...
Precision OEM & Machine Shop
Buffalo, NY
This 30-year-old highly profitable machine shop is ISO 9001:2015 Certified and a leader...
Turnkey eCommerce Photography & Art Reproduction Platform
Buffalo, NY
Proprietary eCommerce Platform Full Complement of Equipment Seasoned Staff Profitable
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