Price Reduced Huntington Village Restaurant! Owner Retiring 120 Seats
Huntington, NY
Seller ready to retire after 16 years in same location! Amazing Restaurant Opportunity. Bring your own concept or continue with current. 3,200 sf Restaurant in the...
Faz's Tex Mex - Huntington Village - $140,000 or Best Offer
Huntington, NY
Seller is ready to retire after 32 years in the same location with a great reputation of high quality foods. The business is at the corner of a prime street...
Huntington Village - 20+ year Italian Restaurant
Huntington, NY
Premium location! In the heart of Huntington Village. Front and rear entrances. 61+...
Huntington Village - Established Restaurant Consumer 5 star ratings!
Huntington, NY
PRICED BELOW MARKET! What are you waiting for?! 13 year established restaurant in the...
Huntington Village - New York Panini - 15 year solid business
Huntington, NY
New York Panini is a long established SUCCESSFUL business. This is a great business to...
Huntington Village - Long time Established Restaurant/Bar
Huntington, NY
Look at this great price! Located in the heart of Huntington Village. Long time...
2,000 sf Restaurant with Full Basement AAA Location
Huntington, NY
New to Market! Premium Location in Huntington Village. 2,000 sf turn-key restaurant...
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