Highly Profitable, thriving physician's practice for sale in Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY
Community based primary care physician's practice centrally and conveniently located on the main avenue of a densely and diversely populated section of Flatbush...
Brooklyn Practice Assets for Sale: Equipment and 8,000+ Patient Base
Brooklyn, NY
Step into an exceptional opportunity to acquire the assets of a thriving medical practice in a high-traffic,...
Medical office for sale
Brooklyn, NY
Centrally located medical office for rent or sale with 8 rooms including waiting room,...
Optical Business in Prime Location
Kings County, NY
Another great listing from Moxie Group. If you've been dreaming of owning your own...
Profitable Diagnostic Imaging For Sale
Brooklyn, NY
We specialize in providing cutting-edge medical imaging equipment to healthcare...
Article 28 ASC with 4 class "C" operating Rooms
Kings County, NY
Seller Motivated -Ambulatory Surgical Center with a valuable "article 28" in the heart...
Dental practice. Aggressively priced for a quick sale
Brooklyn, NY
Highly motivated retiring and Ready to Exit Take over and grow this practice. Willing...
Price Reduced Brooklyn Dental Practice and Medical Spa For Sale
Brooklyn, NY
A very unique dental practice and spa has come our way. In business over 30 years ...
Located in a prime area of Brooklyn in a 6000 sf facility
Brooklyn, NY
Established since 1999 Radiology practice, in the current location since 2008. Located...
ATC Healthcare Services
Available in New York
ATC Healthcare Services is the nationwide leader in healthcare staffing and healthcare...
Durable Medical Equipment License
Kings County, NY
With accredated and Medicare Application. Brooklyn. NY
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