Cleaners for sale
New York, NY
New York 10011 Dry Cleaner for sale Lease: 4 years and 1 month left 10 renewal available Rent: $6,500/mo Tax: $500/mo fixed $400,000 sales a year Asking Price:...
Est. Dry Cleaning Business in Prime Location
Manhattan County, NY
LISTING ID # 36565 A well-established, family-run dry cleaning business is now available for sale. Operated by a husband-and-wife team with the support of one...
Dry Cleaners/ Laundry located in New York, NY
Manhattan County, NY
Upscale Eastside uptown neighborhood 9 year lease. Rent below market value - 75% Dry...
Busy Laundromat and Dry Cleaner in Upper Manhattan
Manhattan County, NY
Busy laundromat and dryer cleaner in upper Manhattan. Many apartments in area. Same day...
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