High-Volume Laundromat in The Bronx
New York, NY
This well-established laundromat in a high-traffic area of The Bronx is an excellent...
20 Year + Established & Profitable Laundromat For Sale in New York
New York, NY
An NDA is required to view this listing. Please note, if you're looking for a specific...
Laundromat Commercial/Residential Wash and Fold (#22680)
New York, NY
This absentee-run laundry business specializes in both commercial and residential wash &...
Very profitable midtown Manhattan laundromat for sale
Manhattan County, NY
60k gross revenue a month Nets about 25000 per month Rent: 7710 front and back Water,...
Cash Flow: $300,000
Dry Cleaners/ Laundry located in New York, NY
Manhattan County, NY
Upscale Eastside uptown neighborhood 9 year lease. Rent below market value - 75% Dry...
Busy Laundromat and Dry Cleaner in Upper Manhattan
Manhattan County, NY
Busy laundromat and dryer cleaner in upper Manhattan. Many apartments in area. Same day...
Upper East Side Laundromat Many Apts In Area
Manhattan County, NY
40% coin, 40% wash and fold, 20% dry cleaning. 40 dryers, 49 washers. Motivated Seller!
Laundromat for sale in chinatown section lower Manhattan, NY
New York, NY
Owner has other business & cannot give it the needed attention. Very busy area china...
Upper East Side Man Nets $202,512 Year Absentee
New York, NY
Upper East Side Man Nets $202,512 Year Absentee. Need $350,000. Down payment, Owner will...
Spaulding Decon
Available Nationwide
Spaulding Decon: professional cleanup services with 10+ yrs exp. Invest in...
133 + Lenox Ave Laundromat
Manhattan County, NY
Busy uptown area with plenty of apartments 1200 sqft. laundry + dry cleaning shop. Card...
For Sale New York Laundromat
New York, NY
Busy area of upper Manhattan, many apartments nearby. Could offer pick up and delivery...
Profitable New York Laundromat
New York, NY
Upper Manhattan store completed renovation in 2021, all equipment refurbished. 18...
Profitable New York Laundromat
New York, NY
Busy Store in great dense neighborhood with high wash/ fold and self-serve volumes....
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