Prime Brooklyn Spa: Thriving Location & Endless Growth Potential
Kings County, NY
Discover an incredible opportunity to own a well-established spa in the heart of Brooklyn! Situated on a bustling main strip, this spa benefits from high foot...
Popular Flotation/Wellness Spa $149,900
Ulster County, NY
POPULAR FLOTATION/WELNESS SPA $149,900 ULSTER COUNTY Long established Floatation Spa in heart of bustling tourist and college village. Frequented by tourists,...
Business sale on nails, massage, wax and miscellaneous goods, etc.
Flushing, NY
Prime Business location! Flushing on Northern Blvd. Nail (manicure, pedicure), waxing...
Massage Spa over 50 years in business is now available for sale
Mamaroneck, NY
Well established spa for over 50 years is now ready to retired. Business and real estate...
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