Convenience Store for Sale in New York
Nassau County, NY
LISTING ID # 36583 Attenti well-established convenience store that has been serving...
Nassau County Liquor Store NET $750k North Shore
Greenvale, NY
At East Coast Business Brokers, we're excited to bring you an exclusive and confidential...
5 Million Dollar Grossing Liquor Store In Nassau County (#22665)
Nassau County, NY
New To Market Exclusive Successful Liquor Store for Sale In Nassau County Gross...
Liquor Store (5.65 M / Year Sale) for Sale, Nassau
Nassau County, NY
Liquor and Wine Store. Average Margins 28 %+/-. Sales $ 5,650,000 ( Including sales tax...
Liquor Store ($ 850,000 / Year Sale) for Sale, Nassau
Nassau County, NY
Liquor and Wine Store. Average Margins 28 %+/-. Sales $ 850,000 ( Including sales tax )...
Liquor Store ($630,000 / Sales Year) for Sale, Nassau County
Nassau County, NY
Liquor and Wine Store. Average Margins 28 %+/-. Sales $ 630,000 ( Including sales tax )...
Nassau County Neighborhood Liquor & Wine Store
Nassau County, NY
HS Listing ID-63531 This well-established liquor and wine store offers a prime location...
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